i love my business English class, one word, inspiring


Thanks GOD it’s Friday

i mean it πŸ™‚

kenapa saya suka hari jumat? because in friday i have my favorite class nd also my favorite lecturer, bu neny :*

semester ini, satusatunya mata kuliah yang saya baru bolos sekali cuma kelas ini, BUSINESS ENGLISH

this class is very interesting, not only bring theory but also bring real reality πŸ˜€

today, bu nen , presenting her friend named Mrs. Evi Casino, eks PR sheraton hotel, nd now PR PT pura

both of her, are amazing in their way

dari bu neny saya dapat pengetahuan berharga tentang segala tetek bengek membuat interesting CV nd letter application.

dari bu evi saya dapat satu keyakinan baru, bermimpilah setinggi mungkin. πŸ™‚

more over, she also said that i am the public relation of my self πŸ™‚

yes i do agree with her opinion.

hanya kita yang berhak menentukan jalan hidup kita, dan mau jadi apa kita nanti kedepannya, even our parents have no right to make our future.

love it

maaf ya bapak ibu , anak mu ini ga pengen jadi guru, bukannya saya meremehkan pekerjaan guru, nope

become teacher is grateful, i mean it

but not me

saya sudah tau apa yang saya inginkan, nd my dream is not become a teacher

sekali lagi, maafkan anak mu ini

i have my own big dream, nd i will live in it.

saya lebih nyaman writing short stories , articles or poetry that teach it in front of class

saya lebih nyaman mix nd matching my dress nd use unusual fashion style than wearing uniform

saya lebih nyaman working in film crew with uncertainty schedule, than working from 7 – 5 in school

sorry to say, saya akan memilih jalan saya sendiri 😦

dan saya sudah mulai merintis jalan saya itu.

i knew that my bachelor degree is not suitable with my dream work, chef editor in cosmopolitan.

maybe you will laugh or even curse at me, but this my own dream and everybody have their own dream including me πŸ™‚

tadi siang, bu evi bilang , shoot to the moon if you can not get it, at least you can get a star.

see, omongan kita itu sama dengan sugesti

kalau kita menyugesti hal yang sama terus menerus, i do belive that it will be true, at least verge with

ucapan kita adalah doa,

let me say,

now i am 22 years old, 6 years from now, i will be work at fashion magazine, and have a side job as sineas

i am young, talented and have good income

i am independent

this is my dream to shoot the moon πŸ™‚

how bout’ yours ? πŸ˜€

9 responses »

  1. Am flattered. Thanks!

    BTW, if you’re a believer of that mantra that whatever you say is a prayer to the universe, it’s actually taken from the ‘Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne. A must-read book!

    • yep, i actually have had the book, but i still do not have a chance to read it yet 😦
      but bu nen is my best lecturer ever πŸ™‚
      seandai nya semua dosen kayak bu nen >,<

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